Stinkwort Workshop

Links to presentations and videos are available for each workshop talk below, or you can watch the full Stinkwort Workshop playlist on YouTube. Our workshop was featured in an article in Cal-IPC's Dispatch Newsletter, Spring 2024, page 6.  We gratefully acknowledge funding from USDA-NIFA grant # 2020-67013-31856.

Opening remarks: State of the stinkwort problem in California

Topic: An overview of stinkwort biology, its spread history throughout the state, potential impacts to agriculture and land management, and where we are now 40+ years since its first observation.
Speaker: Ingrid Parker - University of California, Santa Cruz

Stinkwort early detection and rapid response

Topic: Lessons learned from EDRR approaches to stinkwort management.
Speaker: Rachel Kesel - California State Parks

Management practices for controlling stinkwort

Topic: An overview of management practices for controlling stinkwort and highlighting the successes and failures associated with each.
Speaker: Jennifer Mo - Valley Water in Santa Clara County

Stinkwort response to disturbance and competition, and seed bank dynamics

Topic: Results from experimental research on stinkwort’s response to grassland disturbance, competition, and seed bank survival.
Speaker: Miranda Melen - University of California, Santa Cruz

Gravel quarries as a vector for stinkwort invasion

Topic: A case study from Pinnacles National Park about dispersal vectors, especially gravel, and strategies for controlling and mitigating introduction and spread.
Speaker: Amelia Ryan - Pinnacles National Park

Insights from stinkwort’s native range

Topic: What can we learn from stinkwort in its native range and range extension in Europe? Niche modeling as a tool for predicting/understanding invasion, implications for California.
Speaker: Nicky Lustenhouwer - University of California, Santa Cruz and University of Aberdeen

Post-fire stinkwort response

Topic: How stinkwort populations responded to the 2017 Tubbs fire and 2019 Kincade fire at Pepperwood Preserve, and what management strategies worked best in the post-fire conditions.
Speaker: Devyn Friedfel - Pepperwood Preserve

Leading edge and isolated populations

Topic: Managing stinkwort on the southern edge of its spreading range at the Naval Weapons Station Detachment Fallbrook.
Speaker: Dawn Lawson - San Diego State University and San Diego Natural History Museum

Sensitive habitat with management challenges

Topic: Challenges of managing stinkwort on sensitive lands where species of concern prevent the application of chemicals.
Speaker: David Mauk - Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority

Caltrans IVM Program & Challenges for Managing Roadside Weeds

Topic: Safety challenges workers face when removing stinkwort along roadsides and best practices for dealing with roadside weeds.
Speaker: Stephanie Ponce - California Department of Transportation for SF South Bay

Stinkwort: Collaborations, challenges, and policy opportunities

Topic: Policy issues and funding opportunities for stinkwort in California. Path forward for biocontrol.
Speaker: Jutta Burger - California Invasive Plant Council (Cal-IPC)